Internship USA iskustvo – turistički menadžment


"I believe that this experience will help me a lot in my career and will improve my skills and work ethic. I will be more confident approaching a customer, and my communications skills will be at a higher level."

Zašto je Internship USA program mnogima prekretnica za početak karijere u željenom području? Studenti iz svih dijelova svijeta u sklopu Internship USA programa imaju priliku odabrati praksu u vrhunskim američkim organizacijama i tvrtkama, izgraditi kvalitetnu mrežu poslovnih kontakata i poznanstava, usavršiti jezik te naučiti funkcionirati u multikulturalnom okruženju. 

Uz to, veliki plus je što u Americi možete biti i do 12 mjeseci, a dodatan mjesec možete iskoristiti na turističke aktivnosti!

Pročitajte više o uvjetima za sudjelovanje.

"Don't be afraid to ask questions and make as many friends as you can."


Pročitajte što o Internship USA iskustvu kaže Ardit Belegu, naš klijent koji je ove godine u Americi odlučio odraditi praksu u The Sea Pines Resortu, u području Tourism and Travel Services Management!

Why did you decide to participate on the internship USA program?

I have two different reasons why I decided to participate in a USA internship program. The first reason is that I have finished my studies at an American university RIT Croatia, and I thought the best way to learn more in my field is to do my internship abroad and gain an American experience. I want to improve my skills and increase my career options and learn more about the American culture of hospitality. The second reason is that the place where I decided to do my internship The Sea Pines Resort is very well known in the United States for its beautiful golf courses and is ranked fifth in the USA. Also, the hotel where I am doing my internship, The Inn & Club at Harbour Town, is a boutique hotel and I have always wanted to do my internship in that style of the resort.

Are you happy with your employer?

I am very happy with my employer. I have two wonderful managers, Julie and Sarah, which are so far the best managers that I have ever worked with. They have trained me very well in all operations of the hotel. And as a front desk agent, I feel very confident in doing my job the right way after being here for about three months and always being prepared for different questions that guests might have. 

Do you think this experience will help you in your business career?

I believe that this experience will help me a lot in my career and will improve my skills and work ethic. I will be more confident approaching a customer, and my communications skills will be at a higher level. As the hotel where I am doing my internships is ranked 12th in the United States and is rated with four diamonds from Forbes, the training that I have got will help me have success further in my career in the industry.

Which cultural experience you have already experienced?

I have attended and worked a golf tournament RBC Heritage which has been an amazing experience for me. I have taken some golf lessons and I can tell that I love playing that sport. It is very tactical and needs a lot of practice. The food is good. I am in love with American burgers, they are so tasty. The American culture is so diverse, and you meet people from all around the world. I like to show them where I am from and know more about their culture as well.

Do you plan to travel during your program?

I have been to some places since I moved here like Savannah, GA, which I am going to visit again cause a few hours weren’t enough. It was so beautiful. Another place that I have been to is Bluffton, which is not so far from here. But I do plan to go to other places as well. My bucket list starts with Miami, New York, Cleveland, Michigan, etc. 

What would you tell students that participate in this program? Do you have any advice for them?

I do encourage students to take this opportunity and do the internship in America because they will not be disappointed. My advice for them would be to not be afraid to ask questions and make as many friends as you can. In this way you are going to enjoy it the most.

Zanimaju te mogućnosti Internship USA programa? Prijavi se na besplatne konzultacije i informiraj se o ovom nevjerojatnom programu. 

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